Thrifty Guardian

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How to Save on School Supplies

How to Save on School Supplies

The dreaded rush to get the kids prepped for back-to-school time is upon us. New clothes, new backpacks, new pencils - new, new, new. It all costs money and you might end up in an argument or two before the end of it. Serious question - is wine an acceptable addition...

Teach Kindergarten Math Online

Teach Kindergarten Math Online

As a parent, I’m always trying to find a way to encourage learning in my kids. My son is in kindergarten and he’s great at math and reading, but homework is a struggle. He just gets antsy and I totally understand, as I think we all can; after a long day of learning,...

Work at Home Mom Wardrobe Ideas

Work at Home Mom Wardrobe Ideas

Believe it or not, working at home doesn't mean completely ignoring my wardrobe. While it's certainly tempting to wear leggings, a big ol' t-shirt, and not much else, my productivity would be garbage if I did so! Balancing a need to get work done without too much fuss...

Money Making Ideas for the New Year

Money Making Ideas for the New Year

Is making more money a New Year's resolution? You've come to the right place! January marks the beginning of a new month, year and decade and what better way to enter this transformative period by setting up additional income streams? Whether you need extra cash to...

Cook at Home to Save Money

Cook at Home to Save Money

Cooking is one of the most important skills for literally every single person to learn. The days of hoping you marry someone who can cook are over; even if you do, there will be periods of your life where you’ll need to cook for yourself. Please note this is a...

Healthcare Options When You’re Low Income

Healthcare Options When You’re Low Income

Healthcare and medical supplies for the most economically vulnerable often represent one part of a difficult choice. Choosing between critical medicines and eating, for instance, requires sacrifices that nobody should have to make. There are resources out there for...

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